A day out to Wave Rock

Yup, I rode the wave! It was actually a little tricky getting up there as I had to run and pose whilst trying to hold on. Twenty photos later and I think we captured the right image!Whilst living in a little town called Muntagdin where we were working as sheep-pusher-uppers (this was honestly our job title), we decided to have a day out and see more of WA. On our way there, we drove past this adorable little thing. This is Australia’s smallest bank. It’s located in Shackleton, Bruce rock and is still open on Fridays.Coming out of winter, we saw a fair few snakes on the road seeking warmth from the tarmac. We accidentally ran one over which I felt pretty bad about… Here’s a photo of one we didn’t run over. This was taken from the safety of the car with a selfie stick, no one panic. I actually think snakes are gorgeous but my partner doesn’t share the same views.Just before we entered Hyden, we started to see shoes strapped to a fence along the road. We got out to have a look and take some photos then saw there was a toilet in the distance…How brilliantly random! Thank you to whoever put this here, its hilarious.When we got to Wave Rock it was surprisingly busy. We had arrived the same time as coach full of tourists so we rushed in before them to get our photos.This is the view from the top of wave rock – I really didn’t expect to see a dam above it.We also did the trek to hippo rock which didn’t disappoint. I definitely see the resemblance… Reminds me of the Hungry Hippos game.I love Western Australia and it’s hidden gems and our trusty Toyota for getting us there.


  1. Never heard of wave rock. Definitely looks cool. We had to dodge snakes driving through Kakadu when we were there and I felt back to when I clipped one.


  2. I looked up Wave Rock. Granite. A culturally significant place to the Ballardong People, who believe it was created by the Rainbow Serpent. The dam was built in the 1920s. Thanks for a look at a remote place I may never see. Thank you for visiting Under Western Skies. Happy travels.


  3. Awesome place! Been in Australia just transit in Gold Coast. Might visit it someday. A lot of amazing places, would be confused where to visit first. Hahahaha.

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